Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Teacher is My Hero

                 People need to study in order to reach their own goals in life. We should know how to write, speak and even spell a word, to compute and to analyze. But we could not learn this all If there were no TEACHERS. What are teachers? how hard do they work?

                 TEACHERS are the one who teach students, they are our second parents, they discipline us, they give us  moral lessons, they correct us if we made mistakes. That's what a teacher do. TEACHERS give their best for us to learn, they work for us, they want to finish they lesson plans just for us students.

                TEACHERS maybe sometimes scary for us because they scold us so much. And some TEACHERS are like our elder brother or sister. They make bonding with us 5 times a week. For them, students are their inspiration if the student is trying hard. They give us love just like there real son and daughter. As our level goes up in School they teaches us how to be INDEPENDENT.

                For now, we might think that there are annoying when they are scolding us. They scold us because we should know that we did is not right. TEACHERS help us make our own decisions, they guide us to reach our goals, they are the HEROES of our life. In future we will thank our Teachers who help, guide, and loved us. They will be so happy If someday we become a successful person.


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