Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Great Father

My Father, Marlon L. de Joya was born on April 16, 1969. He is the son of Eliseo B. de Joya and Rogelyn L. de Joya. He have 3 younger brothers and 3 younger sisters and he is the eldest. 

My father is the best father to me and to my younger brothers. he taught us to be a good son to our mother and to be a good person. He give us what we need. He also give us what we want. He is going to give everything for his family. He want us to reach our ambitions in life.

For my Father "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY". Some day i want to be like you. You always want to bond with us and stay with us. Thank you very much for Loving and taking care of us. I love you.


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