Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Real Hero and Heroine

Heroes And Heroines in Greek mythology and Folklore are demigods. In Televisions Heroes are saviors of the people and their community. They help even their enemies and invoke them to be good and not bad. Heroes give their best to help others. They have unique abilities and they respect others. Their priority is to take care of the other before theirselves. They have responsibilities to do before their own sake

My Real Hero And Heroine are my own parents. For me they are the best. They have Patients, Love and help us daily. They are responsible for us to take care. If someone tries to take them down they forgive. Our family is their priority before themselves. Hey teach what is right and what is wrong. My Hero is my father, Marlon L. De Joya. My heroine is my mother, Lolita H. De Joya.

Heroes will do their best for the others. Heroes will sacrifice whatever they have for their love ones. Heroes doesn't need to be strong physically to help some people. Heroes are mentally disciplined. They don't need mask to hide their identity and keep it a secret. Heroes have priorities and responsibilities to do. 

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