Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fair is foul and foul is Fair

"Fair is foul and foul is Fair"

                           This line was said in Shakespearean masterpiece Macbeth. It is said by three evil witches in the Act 1 scene 1. what it means? 

                           For me the line "fair is foul and foul is fair" means the good things will turn to bad or ugly and vice versa. That's what the three ugly witches means. The word "fair" is something good and not different while the word "foul" is something bad ,like foul odor means bad odor. These words contrast each other. 

                          The line of the three witches happened to Macbeth. At the start of the story Macbeth lead the other soldiers to their fight. Macbeth is a good leader. When Macbeth killed Duncan and the thane of Cowdor he took too much power to rule and because of this, his good leadership leads to a tyranny. 

All things change also our attitude and goals in our life. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Midsummer dream Climax

A Midsummer night's dream climax

         The play midsummer night's dream is one of shakespeare's written play. It is about a dream happened in the time of a midsummer. Its genre was  a comedy at the same time romance. This is somehow different from other shakespearean plays.

         A story cannot be called a story if it doesn't have a climax. For me the climax of the Midsummer night's dream is when Hermia and Lysander planned to escape and go away. Hermia told their plan to Helena and Helena told it to Demetrius. Helena thought that Demetrius will be hurt and surrender but it didn't happen instead Demetrius followed Hermia and Lysander. Then the four athenians went to the forest. Oberon heard Demetrius and Helena arguing so he told Puck to pour love juice. Since Oberon don't know the name of Demetrius he described him as the man who wears an athenian clothes. when Puck went out, he first saw Lysander and Lysander also wears an athenian clothes so Puck poured love juice on Lysander's eye lids. Lysander fell in love with Helena and Hermia thought that Lysander left him. On the other side, Puck also put love juice on Titania's eye lids as a revenge of Oberon to Titania. When Lysander fell in love with Helena they fight with each other and cause a ramble. Oberon told puck to undo the love spell by getting a magical plant to undo all he have done.

        I chose this as Climax because this part of the story has the more excitement and tense. It makes the reading to think what will happen next.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

One way of forgiving is forgetting


                  "The Easiest way to forgive is to forget" that's what others say. I am wondering if its really true. I am curious if in life it happens? Too many people forgive others for their sins but the question is do they really forget what others did to him/her?

                   Forgiveness is one way for us to be free for the sin we have done to others. Saying "sorry" is not easy if we made a big sin. Asking for forgiveness takes time because sometimes  we are afraid of saying sorry and repent our sin. Some are also afraid to try to ask for forgiveness because they think that their sins are not yet forgotten. There are some people saying sorry even though they don't know what they have done.

                   There was a time when I am just talking to her about anything and funny things. For me I said something  that hurt her feelings and I didn't meant it. I said sorry many times because I don't want to lose our friendship and our closeness to each other. About forgetting I experience that someone said something bad to me. I don't want to argue with someone so I forget what happened and at the same time I forgive.

                         “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” 
― Steve Maraboli

               This quote means that you will not move on unless you forget and realize and nothing will happen to you if you don't forgive.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Superman or Mega mind?

Athletic or Academic student

                 Athletic or Academic? Both are important in a person. Physically fit or Mentally fit? there are two choices but you only need one. You can be Athletic and you can be Academically good.

                 Athletic person or students have a good body health, good sport skills or even long life. An athletic person can also have injury. It doesn't mean that they don't have to study and stay to their career of being athletic. Many persons are known for being athletic like Lebron James for basketball, Manny Pacquiao for boxing and Usian Bolt for sprint. Academically good person or students have a great intelligence and smart. They are mentally fit in terms of academics. This kind of people may have a disorder or may become a paranoid if the intelligence is over used. Smart people are known in technologies and some discoveries like Einstein, Newton, Franklin and many others. 

                If you are an athletic person you have advantages and disadvantages and If you are an academically student you also have advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages of athletic students are better in sports than those who are only smart but not athletic, good body health, can be famous and be paid high. Some advantages of smart students are better in academics, they can use their intelligence in making devices or discoveries and they can have a permanent job in the future. The disadvantages of Athletic person are they are not better than those who are smart in Academics, they are not fully aware about discoveries, and their body can be abused if they play too much. The disadvantages of the smart people are they are not paid as high as the athletic one, they don't have enough time to mind their own physical body and they may always sleep late.

 It is very hard to choose between the two. For me I will choose to be a smart person than a physically fit person because I may contribute in the field of science and discovery and become a part of History for the next century. I can use my intelligence in my job like computer engineer and as a scientist but I think I don't have those Intelligence needed.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Prayer for Victims

Prayer for Victims

Oh, Lord almighty, protector of heaven and earth
You protect us from the evil and let us be unhurt
All the thing you made are beautiful 
Always be at our side and make us helpful

Sorry for all of my mistakes
Sometimes I make other people angry
I make unhelpful things that brought headaches
Sorry for not giving what I have even a gry

Lord, thanks for all the blessings you gave to me
You gave the things that others and I need
Thanks for protecting and making us happy
I will always pray to you indeed

Lord, I am wishing you guide us everyday
Now we are here and calling
We come to Church and pray
for the victims of Habagat and Maring

This is a prayer that I made
I hope it can help other people
The tragedies can be prevented in future decade
but the Bayanihan is in the heart of all