Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Superman or Mega mind?

Athletic or Academic student

                 Athletic or Academic? Both are important in a person. Physically fit or Mentally fit? there are two choices but you only need one. You can be Athletic and you can be Academically good.

                 Athletic person or students have a good body health, good sport skills or even long life. An athletic person can also have injury. It doesn't mean that they don't have to study and stay to their career of being athletic. Many persons are known for being athletic like Lebron James for basketball, Manny Pacquiao for boxing and Usian Bolt for sprint. Academically good person or students have a great intelligence and smart. They are mentally fit in terms of academics. This kind of people may have a disorder or may become a paranoid if the intelligence is over used. Smart people are known in technologies and some discoveries like Einstein, Newton, Franklin and many others. 

                If you are an athletic person you have advantages and disadvantages and If you are an academically student you also have advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages of athletic students are better in sports than those who are only smart but not athletic, good body health, can be famous and be paid high. Some advantages of smart students are better in academics, they can use their intelligence in making devices or discoveries and they can have a permanent job in the future. The disadvantages of Athletic person are they are not better than those who are smart in Academics, they are not fully aware about discoveries, and their body can be abused if they play too much. The disadvantages of the smart people are they are not paid as high as the athletic one, they don't have enough time to mind their own physical body and they may always sleep late.

 It is very hard to choose between the two. For me I will choose to be a smart person than a physically fit person because I may contribute in the field of science and discovery and become a part of History for the next century. I can use my intelligence in my job like computer engineer and as a scientist but I think I don't have those Intelligence needed.

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