Thursday, August 1, 2013

My feelings in Blogging

My feelings in Blogging

                    I started blogging since the first week of the school year. I already experienced blogging and I was not interested when I first tried it.

                    I found blogging happy when it is required to us. I learned how to blog and to post it. For me, blogging is better than writing in formal themes. I can change it when there's a wrong grammar and edit if I did it wrong. I can also make it any time during weekends. I much want to blog during weekends because i can think a better title and content in my opinion. I am free to do another task when doing it at home.

                    I don't do blogs just for compliance and I do it because it is already in my hobby. I am happy in blogging. I also like the page because I can follow other bloggers like me. I can read their blogs and get an idea for a better blog.

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