Thursday, August 1, 2013

Adopting New Environment

Adopting New Environment

                               Everything has changed. When I was in elementary I thought that I will take High school in Saint Augustine School. I took entrance exam in Cavite National Science High School and it is just a try for me if I will pass or not. I don't know what will happen to me. It is my first time to study in public school.

                               Last 2010, I graduated in elementary with classmates and batchmates. Before I graduated, my mother said that i will take entrance exam. I passed the first and second screening and also the interview. My notebooks, classmates, school and also me had changed. I met new friends and teachers. I was silent and not talkative, as the time goes by I had bond with my new classmates. I introduced myself and they introduced theirselves.

                               My attitude also changed when I had my first girlfriend. My attitude became too shy and for being "torpe". My mother and father knew about it and it is okay for them. I also became a little bit industrious for the homeworks and lessons but it is not on my level. I got low grades and I became worried that I may be kicked out. For the students sake, the teachers made the passing grade 83. At the end of the school year I passed and I am under probation.

                               Last second year our section, my classmates changed. This time I studied well in Mathematics. I got 89 as my grade in third grading which gave me an average of 85. I changed again, I listened to the teachers discussion and got a good grades in subjects. My only problem when I was second year was the Biology. I was forgiven to passed second year because I only lack 0.5 in Biology average.

                               A simple change can change everything. It doesn't mean that bigger change can change everything. You always need hardwork and to be industrious. Being a lazy person will not take you anywhere.

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