Sunday, February 16, 2014

Being Special is something Special

              Being special starts from the day we were fertilized as a zygote up to a baby. We are special when we're born. It makes us special because in thousands or millions of sperm cells, you're the one that was born and live a life on earth. Parents treat us special and care for us every time. Also someday, there's someone that will treat us special like our own parents and he/she will be the partner in life.

              Am I special? yes, I am, and everyone is special. What makes me special? my friends can trust me, my friends can rely on me, my friends can seek for a help from me, I can make them happy in my OWN way. Being unique and different to another individual is not noticeable. Each one of us is Special and unique. In Twins, they are just look alike in physical appearance but you can't tell if they're alike also in attitude. I am a special one. There might be Ira or Valentin with a surname of De joys or Hernandez, there might be a Ira Valentin H. De Joya Jr. or Ira Valentin H, De Joya III , but , there's only me, Unique in personality and in name, Unique in physical appearance and attitude.

               Treating oneself as special good. Other people thinks that they're not special and they're useless in these world, but, it's not true. Its just their thoughts that makes them feel not special. You can make legacy and be an outstanding person if you strive harder.

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