Saturday, November 23, 2013

Is Txting affecting ur eng. language?

            Texting is a way of communication all over the world. It helps people to get updates and to make updates. In texting, some use shortcuts to their sentences, but, is texting affecting your english language?

            We use phones and other applications for communicating. We also use computers for chatting. As we all know, the Philippines is the Texting capital of the world. Filipinos always text or send messages all over our country. Maybe this is one of the cause of the wrong grammars, and lack of knowledge in the english language. Sometimes I use "un as yun ", "dto as dito", and other shortcuts. If this shortcuts are use every time, you will accidentally use it writing sentences. Another reason why do people use shortcuts is because of they want reply faster.

            I don't know if there's a problem using those shortcuts in texting that affects your knowledge about english language. I seldom use shortcuts, for a reason of making my reply a little bit faster than texting it in a complete sentence. For me, it affects me a little when I text a lot.


Saturday, November 9, 2013


                           Its our semestral break now, It is a week of rest and melancholy for others. Before the sembreak, It felt slow for me. It was the last week of October. Other working people had their vacation in provinces and they are preparing for the all soul's day.

                          On the first day of our sembreak, I was happy because I can sleep at rest but I was also worried about my grades. This day I also got the package from my friend. My friend kuya Mark sent me the puzzle that I bought to him. My younger siblings had their Halloween party in their school. I was alone in our house and I was Bored. On the second day, I didn't do anything and I just played my twisty puzzles. I was also thinking on how can I pass my grades this 3rd grading.

                          Last October 28 was my mother's birthday at the same time it was also baranggay elections. After my mother's birthday I did the same things, also on the next and next and next days. I didn't remember that there's homeworks and projects. I started doing it on October 31. I only finished my suring tanghalan and blog and others are not done.

                          November 1 is the day that people visit the cemetery for their dead relatives. They gave flowers, candles and prayers for the spirits. My family didn't visit for this year because my mother was so busy in her business. We only lighted the candles that my mother bought and we pray. Another reason for that, is because there are so many people visiting.

                         It is already november 3, "tomorrow, the class will resume". I felt excited because my father will go home tomorrow morning. I checked if I did my assignments and slept early. I realize I didn't do anything this sembreak. I am contented in one week of rest and I enjoyed it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Feeling of Falling Inlove

                 Most people fall in love many times and some only once. Others says Love hurts thats why others don't want to be in love, but for me it's not true because you'll be hurt if you're lonely and you're rejected by the person you love. Many people knows how to fall in love but they can't stay for a long time.

                 I have been in love. Being in love change my attitude quite a bit. It seems that I have a special feelings for that person. When you're inlove it feels your feelings is different to that particular person. It feels like I always want to be with her, She always comes in my mind, deep inside I feel very happy if I'm with her, but me i can't say those words I want to say to her. I am a too coward to say what I feel.

                 Love is a feeling that sometimes you can't control. True Love is the one who covers up the pain you feel and make you happy. Love change your life, attitude, and even your beliefs. Others says that love hurts, and you will be hurt if you keep expecting too much.

                I would love a girl not by her physical appearance and I would love a girl by her attitude and with a good character. I want a girl that can understand my situation, a girl that can help me in my problems, a girl that can be with me every time, and a girl that can accept my imperfections.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Teacher is My Hero

                 People need to study in order to reach their own goals in life. We should know how to write, speak and even spell a word, to compute and to analyze. But we could not learn this all If there were no TEACHERS. What are teachers? how hard do they work?

                 TEACHERS are the one who teach students, they are our second parents, they discipline us, they give us  moral lessons, they correct us if we made mistakes. That's what a teacher do. TEACHERS give their best for us to learn, they work for us, they want to finish they lesson plans just for us students.

                TEACHERS maybe sometimes scary for us because they scold us so much. And some TEACHERS are like our elder brother or sister. They make bonding with us 5 times a week. For them, students are their inspiration if the student is trying hard. They give us love just like there real son and daughter. As our level goes up in School they teaches us how to be INDEPENDENT.

                For now, we might think that there are annoying when they are scolding us. They scold us because we should know that we did is not right. TEACHERS help us make our own decisions, they guide us to reach our goals, they are the HEROES of our life. In future we will thank our Teachers who help, guide, and loved us. They will be so happy If someday we become a successful person.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Much Ado About Errors

Much Ado About Errors

Back in the 1500’s, there was once a nobleman named Claudio who lived in Milan, Italy. He served under the duke, Hamlet. Claudio had no family for they had all died so Hamlet took Claudio under his wing when he was but a wee lad. Hamlet gave him education, taught him the ways of battle, and gave him love and care unlike any other. Claudio was very good friends with Duke Hamlet’s son who was also named Hamlet. They took their lessons together, spared together, and they even shared a room. All was good and well until Duke Hamlet’s brother, Claudius, came into the picture. 
Claudius had his best scheme ever, planned for many months and refined so many times. Carefully, he would convince the people that Hamlet pays too much attention to his studies and that he does not have time to manage the town and help them with their problems. He would have his brother and his nephew killed before his very eyes, allowing him to take the title of Duke.    
On the ides of March, Claudius had carried out his plan. He had convinced the people that Hamlet doesn’t have time for them and that they should get a new duke. He also said that Hamlet and his son Hamlet should be executed. The people said that it was too harsh so they decided that Duke Hamlet will just be exiled.  When Hamlet and his son were exiled, Claudio had helped them get their necessities and helped them aboard a proper ship. When duke Hamlet was gone, Claudius had become the new Duke of Milan. 
One year later, a group of people including Claudius, Claudio and Ophelia decided to board a ship home to Milan from a wedding held in Africa that they had attended. During the past year, Duke Hamlet had diligently studied magic, the kind that could help him get his vengeance.  Though learning this magic would be long and perilous, he would stop at nothing to make them pay. During their voyage back to Milan, the ship faced terrible weather. Winds bellowed hard, waves crashed against the ship’s sides, and the sky roared rage. Shipwrecked, they reached a small island. When they washed up ashore, all their eyes met a pair of kind dark ones. It was Duke Hamlet, sporting a tunic of rags and a hermit’s beard. Everyone was surprised! Who knew that out of all the islands they could be shipwrecked in; they had to be washed up on Hamlet’s island? Duke Hamlet had welcomed them with a smile on his face, the friendliest smile ever. It was as if his exile had never happened. Duke Hamlet welcomed them into his home. As the cast-aways entered the house, Duke Hamlet stood by the door, holding it open for them. Claudius was the last person to enter. Duke Hamlet smiled even more and urged Claudius inside. Claudius smiled back and continued on. As he looked at Claudius’ back… he smiled a whole lot more.
A soothsayer passed by and told them “Beware the Ides of March!” Claudius walked away from the group for a while to calm his nerves; he was bothered about what the Soothsayer had said. He knew his brother and he was one to hold a deep grudge. Hamlet was wise and clever so he could have easily figured out that Claudius was the one who set him up. What if Hamlet wanted his revenge? What would he do then? No, he cannot meet his match just yet. He’ll convince the group of people who washed ashore with him to “take care” of Hamlet. They’ll sneak up on Hamlet when he’s alone, then strike him from the back, so he won’t be able to dodge the blade. 
Claudius was the leader of one group and Claudio was the leader of the other. Everything was going to go all according to plan… or so they thought. Little did they know what Claudio had in his mind, Claudio thought deeply all the time since this little assassination plan came to life a few hours ago. He thought and thought of what he could do that would keep suspicion off him until the assassination time AND save Hamlet… then it struck him. He knew what to do. It might have been the only way. Had things progressed differently, they might have all been enjoying a nice dinner together but no, Claudius had to take his last breath tonight. He wasn’t exactly sure on how to do it, but he would, definitely.

It was dark, eerie, and downright creepy that night. Everyone was in their places, knives in hand. Everyone there was to stab Hamlet. Claudio was running out of time. He slowly crawled away from where they were hiding. Since it was nighttime, nobody noticed him leave, especially since he had been quiet all day, making his presence unnoticeable. He went to find Hamlet and to warn him on what the group of men with knives was planning to do. He told him where Claudius was hiding.  He was so frantic because Claudius had asked Hamlet to meet him there to talk. The former duke initially thought that his brother was going to apologize… and then he would do the deed. Looking at Claudio with confident eyes, Duke Hamlet reassured him and told him to go back to his ambush position. Still very deeply concerned, Claudio obeyed the man who was a father to him.  
Everything was as Claudius planned. Former Duke Hamlet, his brother, was standing in the middle of the small circle of trees, where their group had spread out. Hamlet was there, patiently waiting for him… Urgh! The ever-patient look on his brother’s face just made him sick. He had it. Slowly and carefully, like a lion about to bite its prey, Claudius emerged from the shadows. Duke Hamlet saw him and greeted him with a smile, the best smile he had given all day, like he would never be able to smile ever again, so he was putting all that he had into this last smile… perfect. Whoosh! Claudius pounced at Hamlet and wrestled him to the ground. 
What?! The brothers were wrestling each other… and Duke Hamlet is winning? Claudio could not believe his eyes for Duke Hamlet, though he spent much time studying and researching along with the fact that Duke Hamlet was many years older, was immensely weaker than Claudio. He had to intervene; Duke Hamlet might be pushing his body to the brink of death by putting up a fight like this. He charged at the wrestling brothers. The lackeys saw him charging up to the brothers. This might be it! This might be the cue! They then charged as well, knives in hand, glimmering in the weak moonlight and ready for blood.

Claudius abruptly stopped; he thought he heard something weird. The wind smelled coppery and it felt like his back was wet with his sweat. Oh well, might be his imagination.  He then lunged for his brother… then everything faded into black. 
While all of this is happening, Hamlet had met Ophelia and Ophelia fell in love with Hamlet yet, Hamlet didn’t love her. Puck saw this and decided to put the love juice on the eyelids of Hamlet so that he will fall in love with Ophelia. He succeeded and those two are now in loved with each other.
Duke Hamlet and the group of conspirators met and Duke Hamlet explained everything. He explained that all this time, Claudius is only fooling them. So they went back and arrived at Messina where the house of Leonato was.  They stayed there and Claudio met Hero, the daughter of Leonato.
Claudio and Hero spend time with each other. Due to this, they fell in love with each other. Claudio decided to have a party for Hero. On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet were talking on the Balcony. They are stating their love with each other and promised to meet again and marry each other the next day. Since Juliet wears the same type of clothing as Hero, Claudio mistook her as Hero and realized that Hero is cheating on him.
On the day of the wedding, Claudio said that Hero is not a virgin anymore and broadcasted it to the crowd. Hero felt a huge embarrassment. His family members decided to take Hero away. They told the crowd that Hero is dead already and Claudio mourned a lot. 
Juliet and Romeo’s love was broadcasted. Claudio realized that he was wrong so Leonato asked him to marry his niece. The day of the wedding came and Claudio married the true Hero. The ending became a triple wedding with Ophelia and Hamlet and Theseus and Hippolyta. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fair is foul and foul is Fair

"Fair is foul and foul is Fair"

                           This line was said in Shakespearean masterpiece Macbeth. It is said by three evil witches in the Act 1 scene 1. what it means? 

                           For me the line "fair is foul and foul is fair" means the good things will turn to bad or ugly and vice versa. That's what the three ugly witches means. The word "fair" is something good and not different while the word "foul" is something bad ,like foul odor means bad odor. These words contrast each other. 

                          The line of the three witches happened to Macbeth. At the start of the story Macbeth lead the other soldiers to their fight. Macbeth is a good leader. When Macbeth killed Duncan and the thane of Cowdor he took too much power to rule and because of this, his good leadership leads to a tyranny. 

All things change also our attitude and goals in our life. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Midsummer dream Climax

A Midsummer night's dream climax

         The play midsummer night's dream is one of shakespeare's written play. It is about a dream happened in the time of a midsummer. Its genre was  a comedy at the same time romance. This is somehow different from other shakespearean plays.

         A story cannot be called a story if it doesn't have a climax. For me the climax of the Midsummer night's dream is when Hermia and Lysander planned to escape and go away. Hermia told their plan to Helena and Helena told it to Demetrius. Helena thought that Demetrius will be hurt and surrender but it didn't happen instead Demetrius followed Hermia and Lysander. Then the four athenians went to the forest. Oberon heard Demetrius and Helena arguing so he told Puck to pour love juice. Since Oberon don't know the name of Demetrius he described him as the man who wears an athenian clothes. when Puck went out, he first saw Lysander and Lysander also wears an athenian clothes so Puck poured love juice on Lysander's eye lids. Lysander fell in love with Helena and Hermia thought that Lysander left him. On the other side, Puck also put love juice on Titania's eye lids as a revenge of Oberon to Titania. When Lysander fell in love with Helena they fight with each other and cause a ramble. Oberon told puck to undo the love spell by getting a magical plant to undo all he have done.

        I chose this as Climax because this part of the story has the more excitement and tense. It makes the reading to think what will happen next.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

One way of forgiving is forgetting


                  "The Easiest way to forgive is to forget" that's what others say. I am wondering if its really true. I am curious if in life it happens? Too many people forgive others for their sins but the question is do they really forget what others did to him/her?

                   Forgiveness is one way for us to be free for the sin we have done to others. Saying "sorry" is not easy if we made a big sin. Asking for forgiveness takes time because sometimes  we are afraid of saying sorry and repent our sin. Some are also afraid to try to ask for forgiveness because they think that their sins are not yet forgotten. There are some people saying sorry even though they don't know what they have done.

                   There was a time when I am just talking to her about anything and funny things. For me I said something  that hurt her feelings and I didn't meant it. I said sorry many times because I don't want to lose our friendship and our closeness to each other. About forgetting I experience that someone said something bad to me. I don't want to argue with someone so I forget what happened and at the same time I forgive.

                         “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” 
― Steve Maraboli

               This quote means that you will not move on unless you forget and realize and nothing will happen to you if you don't forgive.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Superman or Mega mind?

Athletic or Academic student

                 Athletic or Academic? Both are important in a person. Physically fit or Mentally fit? there are two choices but you only need one. You can be Athletic and you can be Academically good.

                 Athletic person or students have a good body health, good sport skills or even long life. An athletic person can also have injury. It doesn't mean that they don't have to study and stay to their career of being athletic. Many persons are known for being athletic like Lebron James for basketball, Manny Pacquiao for boxing and Usian Bolt for sprint. Academically good person or students have a great intelligence and smart. They are mentally fit in terms of academics. This kind of people may have a disorder or may become a paranoid if the intelligence is over used. Smart people are known in technologies and some discoveries like Einstein, Newton, Franklin and many others. 

                If you are an athletic person you have advantages and disadvantages and If you are an academically student you also have advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages of athletic students are better in sports than those who are only smart but not athletic, good body health, can be famous and be paid high. Some advantages of smart students are better in academics, they can use their intelligence in making devices or discoveries and they can have a permanent job in the future. The disadvantages of Athletic person are they are not better than those who are smart in Academics, they are not fully aware about discoveries, and their body can be abused if they play too much. The disadvantages of the smart people are they are not paid as high as the athletic one, they don't have enough time to mind their own physical body and they may always sleep late.

 It is very hard to choose between the two. For me I will choose to be a smart person than a physically fit person because I may contribute in the field of science and discovery and become a part of History for the next century. I can use my intelligence in my job like computer engineer and as a scientist but I think I don't have those Intelligence needed.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Prayer for Victims

Prayer for Victims

Oh, Lord almighty, protector of heaven and earth
You protect us from the evil and let us be unhurt
All the thing you made are beautiful 
Always be at our side and make us helpful

Sorry for all of my mistakes
Sometimes I make other people angry
I make unhelpful things that brought headaches
Sorry for not giving what I have even a gry

Lord, thanks for all the blessings you gave to me
You gave the things that others and I need
Thanks for protecting and making us happy
I will always pray to you indeed

Lord, I am wishing you guide us everyday
Now we are here and calling
We come to Church and pray
for the victims of Habagat and Maring

This is a prayer that I made
I hope it can help other people
The tragedies can be prevented in future decade
but the Bayanihan is in the heart of all

Friday, August 16, 2013

Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag English

Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag English?

                 The following is a letter found at a certain bar in Manila and has been preserved in its original, unedited form. Enjoy reading and you may try direct translation in Tagalog. Pls. read with feelings…

October 1996,

To Marije,

                 I am not surprise or wander why Dennis leave you why? What reason can you think but you're very fat body. I thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy but sooner and later I'm realize that he really can't not beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you're habit of making pakialam all his walks (lakad) and always calling to their house what he go home or this or that.
And then he say he get ashame to me either in school or in his family and then asking you to exercise you're very very, very fat body. But you hate it. Thought you're the most preetiest girls he knows about. What do you think you are "BeautifulGirl" of Jose Marie Chan?

                  Even you are beautiful face (to your think) you do not have the right to called me whatsoever or else difference name one time or the other for the real purposed to insults my personality because I'm never call you names either in the fronts of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you start already to calling me different name, I don't have any other choice but to call you other different name to. Like you are a, PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWIGHT, AND UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you're body that is to a BUDING.

                   You can't not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I am the more sexier that you when you look to us in the mirror. I'm repeat again that you are like Ike Lozada when she is a girl.

The sexiest Girl of D.M.

You say that I'm the bad breathe but who is Dennis want to kissed. Me or you? And the final is me. There you go.
Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag English
                The following is a letter found at a certain bar in Manila and has been preserved in its original, unedited form. Enjoy reading and you may try direct translation in Tagalog. Pls. read with feelings...

October 1996,

To Marije,

                I am not surprised or wonder why Dennis leave you. The reason was you're very fat body. I thought before that Dennis use me but I realized that he really can't be with you anymore because Dennis said that he don't want your habit of being intrusive to all of his outgoing (lakad) and always calling to their house if he is already at home.
And then he said he get ashamed to you in school or in his family and he's saying to you to exercise for your very fat body, but you hate it. Even though you're one of the pretties girls he know. Do you think you are a "Beautiful Girl" of Jose Marie Chan?
                Even though you have a beautiful face (In your mind), you don't have the right to call me "what so ever" or in different name to insult my personality because I never call you in other name in front of Dennis or even in his back. If you call me in different name, I don't have choice but to call you in different name also, like you are a PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWEIGHT, and UGLY SHAPED girl. Ashamed to you're body that is to BIG.

                You can't blame Dennis for switching over me because I am more sexy than you when we look in the mirror. I will repeat that you look like Ike Lozada if she's a girl. 

The Sexiest girl of D.M.

    You said that I have bad breathe but who's Dennis wants to kiss, Me or you?. And the final is me. There you go.

When I first read it, I can't understand it and I don't know what is the point because of the wrong grammars. It is also funny and I am laughing when reading that kind of letter. My favorite in the content of the letter are the "can't not", "OVERWIGHT" and "BUDING" that I didn't understand. I can recommend to others to translate it first to understand it well.  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Blog as a Formal theme

Blog as a Formal theme

                         Before I don't know how to blog or some people call "blogging". Back then, writing a Formal theme was a hard task for me and I don't like Formal themes. I don't know that the third year students used blogging for their Formal theme. Mrs. Atendido introduced it us. 

                         My reaction when blogging introduced to us as a Formal theme was shocked because I don't know how to used it but I said to myself "it's okay, I will try". I created my own account, name and put a picture. I am thinking that time if it is better in writing in notebook or not. When I had my first blog I said to my self that it is better than in notebook.

                         My decision was not bad. It is better because i can change my erasures, wrong grammars, about my penmanship and the time. We are given 2 days to finish our blog and it is during weekends. I can think a better idea at home than school and I may ask ideas to my parents and siblings. Now I like blogging than writing in Notebooks and because of that less paper use. 

                         Now I like blogging and I love it. For me, Blogging is not just for compliance and it is for us to share our feelings and thoughts. I can compose a blog a whenever I want and I can consider as my second hobby. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

My feelings in Blogging

My feelings in Blogging

                    I started blogging since the first week of the school year. I already experienced blogging and I was not interested when I first tried it.

                    I found blogging happy when it is required to us. I learned how to blog and to post it. For me, blogging is better than writing in formal themes. I can change it when there's a wrong grammar and edit if I did it wrong. I can also make it any time during weekends. I much want to blog during weekends because i can think a better title and content in my opinion. I am free to do another task when doing it at home.

                    I don't do blogs just for compliance and I do it because it is already in my hobby. I am happy in blogging. I also like the page because I can follow other bloggers like me. I can read their blogs and get an idea for a better blog.

Adopting New Environment

Adopting New Environment

                               Everything has changed. When I was in elementary I thought that I will take High school in Saint Augustine School. I took entrance exam in Cavite National Science High School and it is just a try for me if I will pass or not. I don't know what will happen to me. It is my first time to study in public school.

                               Last 2010, I graduated in elementary with classmates and batchmates. Before I graduated, my mother said that i will take entrance exam. I passed the first and second screening and also the interview. My notebooks, classmates, school and also me had changed. I met new friends and teachers. I was silent and not talkative, as the time goes by I had bond with my new classmates. I introduced myself and they introduced theirselves.

                               My attitude also changed when I had my first girlfriend. My attitude became too shy and for being "torpe". My mother and father knew about it and it is okay for them. I also became a little bit industrious for the homeworks and lessons but it is not on my level. I got low grades and I became worried that I may be kicked out. For the students sake, the teachers made the passing grade 83. At the end of the school year I passed and I am under probation.

                               Last second year our section, my classmates changed. This time I studied well in Mathematics. I got 89 as my grade in third grading which gave me an average of 85. I changed again, I listened to the teachers discussion and got a good grades in subjects. My only problem when I was second year was the Biology. I was forgiven to passed second year because I only lack 0.5 in Biology average.

                               A simple change can change everything. It doesn't mean that bigger change can change everything. You always need hardwork and to be industrious. Being a lazy person will not take you anywhere.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

To be or Not to be

I need To be hardworking as a student for my future. Being a hardworking student may not suit for me because of my sometimes laziness. I also need to be hardworking not only for compliance but also for my future when i already have a job and i can use it and for me to be promoted. I need to study, read and understand our lessons. I will have high grades and be able to submit projects and requirements that is needed. It will be also be an advantage because you know the lessons better than others.

I will be able to work harder if i will not to be lazy every time there is a discussion or assignments. Being lazy will not be good at all. Laziness can't help us to reach our goals and dreams in life. There's always laziness in every work but we need to put it down. 


Sunday, July 7, 2013

English time

Our English time makes me happy
Learning every topics by doing an activity
Me and my classmates are having fun
and The participants are everyone

We role played Romeo and Juliet
Where we need to be great
In our role play
each member thinks in a creative way

We had lessons about verbals
all of students have approvals
All about Gerunds, Infinitives and participles
When you learned it, it's just like eating apples

Our teacher discussed tenses
that can be used in advices
It have past, present and future
Our teacher discussed it very well, so we have lecture

Every school days we have our english class
class that is stronger than a fiberglass
making our brain be more active
making sentences that is attractive 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Modern Technology

The Modern Technologies 
                Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments.
                                I think that computer and phones are the most useful technology in the present time. The computer helps us for collecting/gathering data for our daily work, assignments and many others things. Computer also help in communicating far distance communication. The computers will develop and will greater in the future for informations, for communication, and also for programming programs that can help us do charts and other presentations. The computers contain a browser and social networking sites that can be useful for communicating like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Skype and many other sites.
                           The another most useful technology is the cellular phones or cellphones. It is like a computer that helps in communication and for other purposes. You can now also search in your phone if you have a browser to it. Just like the computer the phones also have memory. The memory helps to store data and it can be also expanded to larger space of memory.
                          In the present, the technolgies are more advanced than the past. There was already touch-screen phones and wireless connections. The technology doesn't only develop the computers and Phones, they use this as an instrument to create new technology like a human-like Robot. We should all know that technology shall not be used in bad things and for cheating.Technology is the helper in our life.